Tempo is the speed at which you lift a weight. In most gyms you will find that bodybuilders use a 1:1 tempo. This means that it takes 1 second to raise the weight and 1 second to lower the weight. This is a relatively fast pace. Some bodybuilders like to slow the tempo during their workout when trying to build muscle mass. By changing the tempo you will increase the time that the muscles are under tension and it will force them to adapt to the changes and build more muscle. You must experiment with using different rates of tempo during your workout to find what tempo works best for you during different exercises.
Delmonte tells you and me exactly how he actually went about his muscle transformation. He was far from any kind of champion bodybuilder in the beginning. More like a measly 160 pounds with no muscle mass. Delmonte tried dozens of different so called methods; and they all ended up yielding imperceptible results for him. However, over time he honed his approach and arrived at what his program now offers for people today.
Once these two goals are covered and of course assuming you are also on a weight training program that's at Muscle Building Review least half intelligent then the rest is a little more flexible.
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